Monday, December 1, 2014

Environmental Enrichment for Cats

Environmental enrichment is becoming a popular topic amongst cat owners and veterinarians. So what is environmental enrichment? And why are people talking about it?
Outdoor enclosure, covered on all sides is safe alternative for entertainment (Image Source)
Cats are undoubtedly very popular pets. Although notorious for sleeping most of the day, cats actually do need entertainment and exercise. To address their physical and mental needs, many people have started to look at enhancing the environment to stimulate our cats’ activity level. The reason this has become more of a hot topic in the cat world is that many people are starting to link lack of activity or stimulation with certain health concerns. These include obesity and issues associated with stress such as cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and gastrointestinal upset. If we can offer more activity these cats can shed some weight or prevent it from getting put on and hopefully decrease the stress they may be experience.
Window perches can be easily moved from room to room and offer great entertainment for cats (photo source)
So what do we mean by enriching the environment? One easy way is to offer various perches throughout the house. This can include window perches that can be moved around or even cat trees. By providing these spaces it gives cats a chance to experience different areas of the house and have different views. It is also a good idea to have a variety of toys, don’t give them to your cat all at once. Store them and rotate them regularly so they don’t get bored with the same toy over and over again.
Homemade toys work great too! (Image Source)
Many cats will also respond to different areas to explore. It can be as simple as cutting a hole in a cardboard box and placing toys in there can be a great experience for cats. This again can be easily moved from room to room to change the experience. Other cats will respond well to training them to walk on leashes. Not every cat will enjoy this but if they do it will offer them a whole world of entertainment. Outdoor enclosures that are secure on all sides, including the top, may be another option for cats. This again will let them experience different aspects of the outside world but in a safe/ controlled environment.
Another great homemade toy for entertaining your cat! (Image Source)
Additional suggestions and thoughts can be found at the following websites here and here. Getting to know your cat’s personality will help determine which of these options will help enhance their life and make them lead a happier and healthier life!

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