Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Toxin Tuesdays: Glue and Adhesives

There is nothing wrong with using glues and adhesives around the house, just keep your pets away from it! (Image Source)
Glues may not seem like something we have to worry about too much in our pets, but they can actually cause pretty serious consequences if ingested. Instant glues or glues such as Super Glue, Gorilla Glue or products like them seem to have the most side effects. While they are not typically a toxic concern, they can lead to significant gastro-intestinal upset and irritation. In most cases if the ingestion is not caught soon enough surgical intervention will be necessary.
The image on the right shows an x-ray where the stomach is filled with foreign material. Arrows are pointing to the stomach full of the foreign material which in this case turned out to be glue. (Image Source)
 As stated above there doesn’t seem to be significant toxic side effects other than mild gastro-intestinal signs. What is most concerning is that these glues are designed to expand on contact when applied to projects. The same holds true in the stomach only it is taken to an extreme with the moisture that is present in the gut. This forms a large firm ‘glue ball’ which makes it difficult to allow food to pass and can lead vomiting, diarrhea, and significant decrease in appetite. Due to the size many of these glue balls can get too (some get as big as a soft ball or rarely a basketball!), surgery is necessary to remove the obstruction.
This is a 'glue ball' being removed from a patient's stomach (Image Source)

If you suspect your pet has ingested one of these glue type products it is best to contact your veterinarian. The ‘glue ball’ can begin to form in the stomach very quickly and it is typically not recommended to make these patients vomit. The major concern is that if any glue is left in the esophagus a new ‘glue ball’ could form there which can be even more serious. Once surgery is done most patients will have no lasting effects from the glue. 

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