Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Toxin Tuesdays: Phosphide

Zinc phosphide can be found in many mole repellents. (Image Source)

Zinc phosphide is an ingredient that can be found in over the counter rodent repellents. It is most commonly associated with ‘below ground’ treatment of pests such as gophers and moles. While it is not the most common rodenticide toxicity we see it is definitely one to be aware of due to the severity of symptoms. It cannot be stressed enough to keep the bags or at least take a picture of the active ingredient. This will dramatically speed up treatment time if your animal becomes exposed to toxins.
Even though they aren't supposed to pets can get into anything! Make sure you keep potential toxins stored safely away from your pet. (Image Source)
Phosphides can affect basically every system. This includes the gastrointestinal system where we may see vomiting, or blood in the stool. The heart can start to have an abnormal rhythm and breathing can become difficult. Many will start to have seizures or stagger when they walk. The liver and kidney values will start to increase. Symptoms can be seen as early as 15 minutes after exposure. Death can occur within three hours to a couple of days after ingestion. Some owners report a fish like smell coming from their dog’s mouth. (A VERY strong fish smell) One very important thing to keep in mind is that if your pet has had exposure and then begins to vomit that vomit can contain phosphide gas which can affect people. If your pet vomits be sure to ventilate the area well or move away from the vomit immediately. This is another reason knowing the active ingredient is so important. As veterinarians and support staff are trying to treat the animal they could be exposed to the gas as well and need to take every precaution to keep themselves safe.
If your pet has exposure to phosphides and they vomit make sure to ventilate the area immediately! This could cause harm to you! (Image Source)
Unfortunately, there is no anecdote available. Treatment needs to be started immediately and consists of decontamination and supportive care. Due to the rapid metabolism of this product treatment is not always successful. If patients do survive, they will need regular monitoring of blood work to ensure that there was no long term damage to the kidney or liver.
Our goal is to help keep your pet happy and healthy! Help us by keeping track of products your pet could be exposed to! (Image Source)

If there is one thing to take away from this, it is to know what products you are using. This will help tremendously in case your pet becomes exposed to something. In cases like this, any time lost could mean the difference between life and death in your pet.  

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