Friday, August 1, 2014

Breed Focus: Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels gained a lot of popularity after Disney released their animated film Lady and the Tramp. Many people fell in love with their smaller size and adorable ears. They still remain fairly popular today!
Although on the smaller side Cocker Spaniels are actually founding the sporting group of the AKC. This should tell you that they are typically a high energy dog. If considering this breed you will need to commit to exercise both mental and physical on a daily basis. Otherwise they may find ways to entertain themselves that you as the owner may not appreciate! Due to their active nature it is also strongly recommended to pursue training classes to help establish who is in charge in this relationship. It will also provide mental stimulation to keep them interested. Many can go on to advanced training including agility! As puppies they can also be somewhat shy, so it is a VERY good idea to socialize them with people and other animals so that they are less likely to become aggressive as they get older. You will also need to commit to regular grooming appointments even if you prefer their coat a little longer. It will need to be managed with regular brushing or hair cuts.
As with many purebred dogs there are several health concerns to consider. In the veterinary field Cocker spaniels are NOTORIOUS for bad ears. It will greatly benefit you and your pet if you start getting them used to having their ears cleaned and played with on a daily basis at a young age. You could also work with your veterinarian to have an ear flush that could potentially help prevent future infections. Other health considerations include glaucoma and cataracts. These can be genetically passed down so when looking at a breed it is a good idea to check the bloodlines and see if they have had any of these issues. Luxating patellas (when the knee caps slide back and forth) has also been noted in this breed. While not listed as a predominant medical issue, one website stated that many owners and specialist feel that Cocker Spaniels are more prone to immune mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA). This is a blood condition where the body actually destroys the red blood cells. It can be deadly even with aggressive treatment. For more information on IMHA please click here 

Cocker Spaniels are truly and great looking breed and can make excellent companions. If you would like more information on them you can visit the AKC website here  or a general breed website here 

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