Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Okay Doc, we got it, so how do we prevent it?

Happy leap year everyone! I was thinking about all of you this morning while driving to work. The announcer on the radio was talking about it being leap year and some people utilize this 'extra day' in the year to take a leap into faith, a new way of living or simply just a day to stand up and say 'today is a new day' and make a refreshing start. Yes, of course, I thought of you all!

Let's take a bright new approach on preventing that horrible dental disease as much as possible and heading toward a brighter, fresher mouth tomorrow! It's a new day!

First of all, I have to say, the only real way to ensure healthy teeth and gums is to brush daily. Brushing is easy but can be time consuming. You also must use an enzymatic dentrifice toothpaste that is geared toward removing the plaque we spoke about earlier. Brushing will not effectively resolve tartar build-up! Start getting your pet comfortable with having your hands in their mouth by starting when they are young, however it is never too late to start. Remember, though, some dogs and cats will just not tolerate brushing. Don't get bit! It is not worth it. Start slowly by getting them used to a piece of gauze or a finger brush and once they are comfortable with that you may upgrade to an actual brush made for your pet. Dental supplies can be picked up easily at any major pet store and even some grocery stores today!

My personal favorite, as an alternative to brushing, is to use a drinking water additive designed for prevention of plaque. C.E.T. is by far my favorite right now. They do change the taste of the water slightly so it may be necessary to slowly introduce the additive. I believe the directions call for a teaspoon per pint of fresh water. You may want to start with 1/8 teaspoon and increase by 1/8 teaspoon increments each week until you are at the full concentration. The solutions do lose potency during the course of the day. I recommend putting the water additive in the morning water and when you go to change it mid-day you can replace it with fresh water. The water additives are great because pets will eat their food and then normally drink water right after. It is like brushing without the hassle.

In addition to the water additives there are dental chews. I love these. My favorite is C.E.T. Hextra Chews. They are impregnated with Chlorhexidine which is an antibacterial. The are available in several sizes depending on your size of dog and are available for cats!

In conjunction with the water additives the chews assist in plaque removal from the molars. It is important for my patients to have both. The rinse washes away and the chew helps break down the more stubborn stuff. In addition chewing is a healthy, normal, often needed behavior for most dogs.

There are a number of products on the market today to assist you in fighting plaque and tartar. They range from brushes and toothpaste to water additives, to treats and chews and even daily diets. The best advice I can give you, regarding the dental health of your pet, is to find a regime that works for your beloved, four-legged family member and be religious about it. If it is something that is done once per month, it will not work for you.

Enjoy the wonderful weather we are having and certainly enjoy this leap day! I hope I have addressed many of your dental questions this month. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact one of us and we would be happy to discuss them with you!

Check us out in March to see what we have to say about poop!

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