Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Things always come in sets of three...

Veterinarians see a multitude of cases in a day. Anything is up for grabs. It could be a new cuddly puppy or kitten visit or a very sick patient that may not make it and anyting between. That is why I like my job so much! It is always different. I have noticed over the years that one thing never changes. It appears the the old saying, 'everything happens in threes' , still holds strong.

Today I had three patients all limping on their right back leg. All three have had x-rays and, believe it or not, they all have ruptured ligaments in their knees and require surgery to repair. I always have to stop and chuckle when we have three black cats in a row, or three poodles, or three white cats and the list continues.

It is nice to know that even though time seems to fly right by us, we can always count on a few standards to complete our vision of normalcy.

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