Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Feline Cystitis

One of the most common complaints pet owners have regarding cats is urinating outside the litter box. There can be a variety of different causes this behavior, one in particular is cystitis. This means inflammation in the bladder. Cystitis can be a frustrating condition because many times we do not know the cause and have to manage the symptoms.
Let’s start at the beginning. If your cat starts urinating inappropriately the first thing to do is to visit the veterinarian. Although we do not always find an answer to why they are demonstrating this behavior, there are several medical reasons we need to rule out. The easiest is a bladder infection. To determine if this is the cause most of the time a urine sample may be obtained and examined under the microscope or sent off to a lab for a culture and sensitivity. With a culture and sensitivity this will identify what if any bacteria are growing and what specific antibiotics can be used to combat them. If no bacteria is found further diagnostics may be indicated. This could include x-rays or blood work to rule out bladder stones or other underlying conditions. One of the most consistent findings with cystitis is blood in the urine with no signs of infection or stones.
One of the most frustrating causes for cystitis is what is known as idiopathic. This means we do not know and cannot determine the exact cause. Many times this can be attributed to stress. Cats have a variety of ways they can show stress. They may stop eating, they could become more aggressive, they may hide and sometimes they will begin to urinate inappropriately. If other causes have been ruled out we may look to managing the inflammation of the bladder.
Medical management of cystitis will be tailored to each cat specifically. Many times pain medication may be prescribed to help with the discomfort associated with straining and inflammation. Anti-anxiety medication may also be used long term to help combat some of these symptoms. There are also prescription diets that promote a healthy bladder environment and some newer products also have ingredients to combat stress. Diet can be crucial to helping flare ups occur less regularly.
One of the most important aspects of managing feline idiopathic cystitis is environmental enrichment. House cats can get bored easily. Sure many of them enjoy lounging but they also need mental and physical stimulation throughout the day. Taking them on a walk would be great but not every cat can be leash trained so we must look to their inside environment for areas to improve. One way is to give them different perches throughout the house. Also moving these perches from time to time will keep them interested. Designating playtime throughout the day will help keep them physically fit. Food puzzles can be great mental and physical game they can play while most owners are away during the day.
Each cat is unique and some strategies that work great for one may not work for your cat. It will be important to work closely with your veterinarian to tailor a specific plan to your feline friend. This is a very brief overview of a complicated issue in cats. For more information you can visit veterinary partner’s feline cystitis page here.

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