Friday, June 27, 2014

Breed Focus: Dachshund

Dachshunds, these small dogs are always a crowd favorite. They are often affectionately called wiener dogs due to their long body. Their name is from German dialect meaning badger dog (source). They were used frequently for hunting as they are tenacious and have very little fear.
There are two different sizes of Dachhunds. Most of us are familiar with the miniature dachshund but there is also a standard size that can be quite a bit larger. The coat type of can range from smooth, to wire, to long requiring their own grooming schedule. The wire hair and long hair will likely need regularly brushing or grooming appointments, while the smooth coat may tend to shed a little more.
Being so small they can adapt to most living arrangements fairly easily. They do require exercise but their little legs tend to do better with shorter rather than long walks. Another consideration when living with this breed is they do tend to bark quite a bit if excited. It may be worth while to take to training and practice a command for quiet.
As far as health problems that occur in Dachshunds the most common is called Intervertebral Disk Disease is one of the most common conditions affecting dachshunds. They end up with severe discomfort in the disc space and then the spinal cord. This can actually lead to paralysis in severe situations. For more information you can go here. While it can affect every dog it seems more prevalent in the longer back dogs. Another concern is their oral health. In general it seems like smaller dogs tend to struggle with tartar and gum disease more so than larger dogs. Encouraging them to eat dry food and training them to allow you to brush their teeth at a young age may prove very beneficial. It is extremely important to watch the weight on these dogs as well. Their little legs and the fact that they are already prone to back disease means any extra weight is bad for them and could cause severe issues down the line.
One interesting thing about Dachshunds is that there are actually wiener races! These are really fun to watch. It seems like both humans and animals really enjoy these events. One of the most active organization is National Dachshund racing. You can visit there website here for more information.

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