Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Resolutions 2016

It's that time! The time when we begin to make resolutions to help lead a happier and healthier life in the coming year. It is a good time to start these resolutions with our pet as well. Here are my recommendations for some new year resolutions for our pets (my own included!)

1. Regular teeth brushing.
Getting into a brushing routine is a great resolution for 2016 (Image Source)
The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body. If this area is dirt and filled with bacteria, that can spread to the rest of the body. Not to mention without a clean mouth, our pets' breath can really start to smell as the tartar and bacteria build up. It is recommended that the teeth are brushed daily to help cut down on tartar and plaque. There is a great website at that goes through products recommended by Board Certified Veterinary Dentists. Many pets will still need regular dental cleanings but if you keep up on the maintenance at home, then the time between these cleanings can start to lengthen.

2. Regular exercise
Exercise can take many forms, and you need to find what will work for you and your pet! (Image Source)
Exercise is an important part of many new year's resolution and it should become an important part of your daily routine with our pet. This goes for dogs and cats alike! Everyone needs exercise. It can help with both mental and physical health. While most of us think about taking our pets on walks for exercise, it doesn't have to always be that type of activity. You can play in the house with your pet even just in 5 minute increments, it will make both of you feel better afterwards. The general rule of thumb and goal you could set for yourself is to shoot for 1 minute of exercise/ pound of body weight. That doesn't mean a 45 pound dog needs 45 minutes of exercise all at once. It can be spread out over the course of the day. And many pets will need to work up to this amount of exercise. Again this is just a guideline, some pets will need a little less and some a little more. But make it your resolution to be active together!

3. Keeping up on grooming/ maintenance procedures.
Brushing your pet's coat is an important part of maintaining their overall health. (Image source)
This would include brushing, nail trims, ear cleaning etc. We try really hard in our house to clean ears once weekly and to try to do a full coat brushing two times a week. These are all really important maintenance items to keep our pets healthy. Nail trims can vary from patient to patient. It can depend on activity level, age and how long their quick is. Another grooming need to address would be having the anal glands checked. Some pets needs this done regularly, some never need it done. Anal glands should be expressed whenever a pet defecates but sometimes they can become impacted or infected and need to be expressed regularly. If left unattended the infection can become painful and need medical attention. All of these things can be done by a groomer, or you can learn to do them at home, or talk to your veterinarian about what the best option for your pet will be.

4. Keeping all pets on monthly flea and heartworm prevention
Giving monthly flea and heartworm preventatives is EXTREMELY important. Find a way to remind yourself each month so you don't miss a dose. (Image Source)
Fleas and heartworm are parasites that can affect both cats and dogs. Fleas are typically picked up from the environment, but even indoor cats can be affected when we track the fleas inside. Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes and travel through the blood stream and live in the heart and lungs. Fortunately there are products that can help keep our pets protected from these parasites. Most of these products need to be administered monthly. While it is easy to forget them in our busy schedules, and also preventatives are typically given monthly and are becoming very important year round. Fleas and heartworms are becoming very hearty and difficult to treat once they are established in the environment. It is much easier to prevent these two parasites then it is to treat. Many companies will send you e-mail reminders, or you can set up reminders on your phone or calendar to make sure we don't miss a dose!

5. Have fun together.
Find an activity your and your pet can enjoy together and make sure you find time to do it! (Image Source)
While pet ownership does have its challenges there are so many benefits to having a companion. Make it a priority this year to enjoy your time together. Whether it is with activities such as 5k's training classes or hiking, or just setting aside time to play with their favorite toy or just petting them anything you do together can be a lot of fun!

We hope you have a happy and healthy 2016!

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