Wednesday, July 1, 2015

4th of July Safety and Your Pet!!

(Image Source)

Well it is that time of year again! Time to celebrate our nation, which for many of us can be very exciting but for our four legged companions can be a little bit stressful. Today we will look at a few things you can do to help ensure a safe and fun holiday for everyone in your family.
First off, this time of year means fireworks! These are not always confined to just the Fourth. Make sure you are prepared on the days leading up to the holiday as well as the days after. It is NEVER a good idea to take your pets to the firework displays. If they were to get scared they could run away, or get injured. It is best to leave them in a secure place in the home. This could be a kennel, a bathroom or a small room that they feel safe and cannot harm themselves or get out. It is also a good idea to make sure that all doors and windows are secure and that your pet’s identification is up to date.
Great advice! (Image Source)
If you think your pet will be too nervous there are some things you can do at home to help minimize the noise. You can turn on classical music or music with a heavy bass to help drown out the noise. Try different scenarios to see which your pet likes! There are also supplements that may help settle a slightly nervous dog or in extreme cases medications. It is a good idea to work with your veterinarian to determine which option will fit your pet the best. Many times you need to do a trial run prior to the actual fireworks to ensure that your pet responds to the medication appropriately. Please DO NOT wait until the day before to call your veterinarian. This will limit your options and as every pet responds to every medication differently, what works for one dog may not work for your pet. Thunder shirts are also a great option for some pets. Remember it may take a combination of many of these things to keep your pet calm.
Find what helps relax your pet and use it! (Image Source)
Aside from the fireworks, we also need to consider parades and cookouts. With parades comes candy. Make sure all candy is safely stored away so your pet cannot have access to it. With family in and out and cookouts happening make sure your pet is not getting any extra treats they are not used to. This could lead to serious gastro-intestinal upset. Nobody wants to spend the holidays in the emergency room.
These are just a few tips to help keep your pet safe throughout the holiday weekend. If you have further questions, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

We hope you all have a safe and happy Fourth of July!